Tag Archives: sadness

A Moment of Sadness

Do you know someone who does not cry.  Who expects only strength from fellow women?  Read this text I sent the other day to such a young woman.

Glad u had that moment of sadness.  A moment of poor me.  It makes u human.  It makes u stronger.  It will make u compassionate in your chosen field.  Those who have a pain free life are never prepared for life’s hurdles.  They don’t know how to look at a situation and fix it.  With your issue you need to honestly look at it and fix it.fix it

So after I sent this text this young woman called me up and thanked me.

This situation made me realize we all need to have a moment of sadness in our lives.  It can give us strength.  It can cleanse our problems and force us to look at what is really causing those tears.  With that knowledge we can fix the problem and as a bonus be a little more compassionate for others with similar issues in the future.

Love and live life, tears and all.


Designer Name Brand Goods and More

lynOwner and operator of Designer Name Brand Goods and More

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